ACCIONA inaugurates a community center for the Aldoga Solar Farm

ACCIONA Energy has officially opened its community center on Goondoon Street in Gladstone for the 480MWp Aldoga solar farm.

The center will host the project team in advance of construction and serve as a resource for job seekers and community members interested in learning more about the project.

The Aldoga Solar Farm will create 350 construction jobs during the 18-month construction period, boosting the renewable energy industry in Gladstone.All energy production from the Aldoga Solar Farm will be provided to Stanwell Corporation for the Central Queensland Hydrogen Project (CQ-H2), which will create new jobs and skills opportunities in the green hydrogen sector.

Initial work has been carried out on the solar farm to prepare the site for construction, which is due to begin in March, and the first 25 containers of equipment are expected to arrive at Gladstone Port this month.

In addition to the 350 direct construction jobs created by the project, Aldoga Solar Farm will move 2,500 containers through the Port of Gladstone, creating additional employment opportunities at the port and along the supply chain.

ACCIONA Energy Engineering and Construction Director Andrew Tshaikiwsky said: “We are delighted to be opening our doors to the wider Gladstone community. There are many opportunities for locals or job seekers to get involved. We want the project to be as successful as possible.“Big projects like Aldoga create lots of opportunities in the local economy.

A project of this scale will create lots of indirect employment as well as drive local spending on local businesses.

“What we will see with Aldoga, and similarly with other projects in the Central Queensland Renewable Energy Zone, will be a whole economy of services and skills spring  up around these key pieces of infrastructure.”

Source: ACCIONA Energia

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