Bloom Energy Inc. signs agreements with Shell to investigate hydrogen energy projects

Together, Bloom Energy Inc. and Shell Plc. (Shell) will investigate methods of decarbonization by utilizing Bloom’s unique hydrogen electrolyser technology.

Together, Bloom and Shell hope to create large-scale, reproducible solid oxide electrolyser (SOEC) devices that could generate hydrogen for possible usage at Shell facilities.

“This technology could represent a potentially transformative moment for opportunities to decarbonise several hard to abate industry sectors,” said KR Sridhar, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Bloom Energy.

“As a world leader in SOEC technology, we are poised to provide customers around the world with our proprietary, American-made energy technology to both reduce carbon footprint and sustain economic growth.”

The ‘gray’ hydrogen supplies currently produced at refineries by the highly carbon dioxide-emitting steam-methane reformation process can be supplemented or replaced by clean hydrogen produced at scale using Bloom’s SOEC technology.

By employing renewable energy to produce clean, or “green,” hydrogen through water electrolysis, greenhouse gas emissions are virtually eliminated.

The bloom electrolyser®, which is produced in Delaware and California, has been in greater demand because to the growing interest in the low-carbon economy.

In May 2023, Bloom had a successful demonstration at the NASA Ames research site in Mountain View, California, using its 4 MW solid oxide electrolyser, producing 2.4 tpd of hydrogen.

Source Bloom Energy Inc.

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