ACCIONA will operate and maintain the drinking water treatment plant at Tudela, Spain
The water catchment, treatment, and storage plant in Tudela, Navarra, will be operated, maintained, and conserved under a temporary joint venture between ACCIONA and Aqlara.
The communities of Castejón, Fustiana, Cabanillas, and Fontellas will also benefit from the services offered by this drinking water treatment plant (DWTP), in addition to Tudela.
The Municipal Water Board of Tudela granted the contract, which is initially valid for four years and may be extended by one year, for a total cost of €6 million (including the potential contract extension).
The DWTP has a design flow of 35,600 m3/day and currently serves more than 46,000 inhabitants. In addition to intake from neighboring wells (2,000,000 m3/year), the majority of the water used in the plant for treatment comes directly from the River Ebro (6,000,000 m3/year).
It is also feasible, though to a smaller extent and only when necessary (10,00 m3/year), to draw water from the Canal de Lodosa.
ACCIONA has been awarded a contract in a temporary joint venture with Aqlara for the operation, maintenance and conservation of the water catchment, treatment and storage installation at Tudela, Navarra
The Tudela DWTP has three sludge traps, sand filtering systems, filters for sludge dehydration, a raw water tank with a capacity of 6,000 m3, a coagulation-flocculation chamber, and a treated water tank with a capacity of 19,800 m3.
Through the operation and maintenance contract, a variety of actions and procedures will be implemented with the goal of optimizing the energy consumption of the installations.
These actions and procedures are being developed in accordance with ACCIONA’s commitment to sustainable development and the transition to a low CO2 economy. To do this, ACCIONA and its partner will implement an ISO 50001-certified energy management system.
Due to its involvement in the 1992 building of the DWTP in Tudela as well as the 2008 expansion of the plant, ACCIONA has extensive expertise of the facility. From 1992 to 2009, the business was also responsible for the plant’s maintenance and operation.