U.S. EPA highlights the need for wastewater infrastructure in letter to Congress
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) presented a report to Congress on May 13, 2024 outlining the necessary investments in clean water infrastructure, including upgrades for wastewater and stormwater systems, over the next two decades. States and U.S.
territories provided information through the Clean Watersheds Needs Survey regarding the anticipated capital costs and investment requirements for maintaining and modernizing publicly owned wastewater treatment works, stormwater infrastructure, nonpoint source control, and decentralized wastewater treatment systems such as septic tanks.
The 2022 survey is the most recent and comprehensive report on the clean water infrastructure needs in the U.S., highlighting that an estimated $630 billion will be required over the next 20 years to safeguard the nation’s waterbodies, as stated in a press release.
“Protecting our nations waterways is vital for healthy communities.
They provide sources of drinking water, support farming, power economic opportunity and transport and allow for recreation and fishing,” said Acting Assistant Administrator for Water Bruno Pigott in the press release.
“This survey is an important estimate of needs that is based on information collected from the communities themselves.
President Biden has secured the largest investments in history for water infrastructure, putting America in a strong position to help local systems protect our nation’s water quality,” said Pigott.
Source U.S. EPA