ACCIONA participates in an initiative for phosphorus’ recovery from wastewater

ACCIONA, as a part of its commitment to sustainability and innovation, participates in LIFE PHOS4EU Innovation project, with the objective of recovering up to 65% of the phosphorus’ content in wastewater for its later reuse, contributing to the concept of circular economy.
LIFEPHOS4EU Project will last approximately four years (2023-2027) and is co-financed by the European Commission’s LIFE program, with a budget around 8 million €
Veolia implements zeeDENSE* to achieve super-intensification wastewater treatment in Illinois

Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions unveiled zeeDENSE in 2022, coupling ZeeLung MABR with continuous flow densification technology to upgrade and super-intensify activated sludge plants. ZeeLung MABR intensifies biological treatment by up to 50% by supporting the growth of a nitrifying biofilm on a gas-permeable media that also reduces energy consumption by transferring oxygen without the use of bubbles. zeeDENSE is an application of ZeeLung where continuous flow densification is added to the process to improve mixed liquor settling characteristics and increase secondary clarifier capacity by up to 50%.
SWPC commences bidding process for Jubail – Buraydah Water Transmission Pipeline Project

The Jubail – Buraydah Independent Water Transmission Pipeline (IWTP) project bidding process has been officially initiated by the Saudi Water Partnership Company (SWPC), according to a company statement.
SWPC is now seeking competitive proposals from developers or developer consortiums to undertake the project on a Build, Own, Operate, and Transfer (BOOT) basis, as stated in the company’s official announcement.
SWPC had previously revealed that 22 companies had been pre-qualified to bid for the project, highlighting its importance and attracting top-tier industry participants.
Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water