Exploring Different Types of Irrigation Systems for Efficient Water Distribution in Agriculture


In the realm of agriculture, irrigation systems play a vital role in ensuring water availability for crops, thereby enhancing agricultural productivity. With the increasing global demand for food, it is essential to employ appropriate irrigation systems that maximize water efficiency while minimizing resource wastage.

There are two main methods for using agricultural water to cultivate crops rain-fed farming and irrigation.

Rainfed farming is the natural application of water to the soil directly.

Irrigation is the artificial application of water for soil with various systems, pumps, tubes and sprays.

Irrigation is an essential process for agricultural crop growth. choosing suitable irrigation systems is one of the most vital steps in establishing farming operations.

Irrigation is used in less rainy areas, drought, or dry most of the time. Irrigation water can come from groundwater sources such as springs and wells, surface water such as rivers, lakes, or reservoirs and other sources such as desalinated water and treated wastewater.

Irrigation aims to support plant growth and minimize water loss and soil erosion.

To choose an appropriate irrigation system, you must know the soil, equipment, plant species and land formation.

The common types of irrigation systems

There are many various types of irrigation systems based on water distribution throughout the field. The most common types of irrigation systems are:

Surface irrigation systems

Surface irrigation is one of the oldest and most common irrigation methods. It depends on water distribution over and across soil by gravity forces and no need for mechanical pumps to distribute water throughout the soil. This method is best suited for crops that are not sensitive to water logging and can tolerate standing water. Surface irrigation is also relatively inexpensive and easy to install. However, it can lead to


water wastage and soil erosion if not managed properly


Advantages involves

Low cost

Simple design

Water conservation

Soil fertility


Reduced erosion

Furrow irrigation system


Furrow irrigation is a type of surface irrigation system that involves creating small parallel channels along the length of the field parallel to the direction of its predominant slope. Water is applied to the top end of each furrow and flows down the field under the influence of gravity,

Furrow irrigation is a relatively inexpensive method of irrigation that is commonly used in agriculture. It is suitable for row crops, tree crops, and crops that would be damaged by direct inundation by water.

Advantages involve

 Provide greater yield.

 Installation is economic.

Saves time and labor.

Saves money on water.

Localized irrigation system


Localized irrigation systems are designed to apply water directly to the plant’s root zone, minimizing water loss through evaporation from the soil. Such systems include drip irrigation, porous clay pots, porous pipes, and perforated plastic sleeves. In this type, water is distributed under low pressure throughout a network of pipes that water flows through and applies along the area of the field.

Advantages involve

Water efficiency

Precise water application

Weed control

Reduced disease and pest risks

Flexibility and adaptability

Energy savings

Improved soil health

Drip irrigation system


Drip irrigation is a localized irrigation system that delivers water directly to the root zone of plants through a network of tubes and emitters. It is highly efficient, as it minimizes water wastage by reducing evaporation and runoff. Drip irrigation also allows for precise control over water application, ensuring that each plant receives the required amount of water. This system is particularly suitable for row crops, orchards, and gardens. Drip irrigation systems are made of tubes with small holes or emitters. This system is commonly used in orchards, vineyards, and high-value vegetable crops. They can be installed above or under the surface of the soil and slowly drip water into it over time.

Advantages involves

Use water less than other types of irrigation systems.

Prevention of soil erosion and nutrient runoff.

Controlling the growth of fungi.

Easy to modify in it.

The continuous flow of water allows it to penetrate the soil and reach to roots of plants.

Minimizing evaporation and runoff.

Sprinkler irrigation system


Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying water to crops in a controlled manner that is similar to rainfall. The water is distributed through a network that may consist of pumps, valves, pipes, and sprinklers.
Sprinkler irrigation systems can be used for residential, industrial, and agricultural purposes . They are highly efficient and can be used to irrigate large areas of land. Additionally, they can be used to apply fertilizers and other nutrients to crops.

Advantages involves

It is cheap and simple to set up.

Allows even distribution of water.

It is simple to cover large areas.

Water at your preferred time of day to minimize evaporation.

Use less water.

Centre pivot irrigation system


The Centre pivot irrigation system is the most common in level areas. In the case of this type of irrigation system, water is distributed throughout the Sprinkler system that moves on the wheeled sprinkler in a circular motion pattern to cover almost areas around this system.

Advantages involve

Avoid water runoff.

Water is distributed uniformly.

Cover large areas with water within a short time.

Low pressure to save energy.

Terraced irrigation system


The terraced irrigation system is an old agricultural practice that is still present today, mostly in mountainous areas.

When it rains, a series of steps are cut into the sloped land so that water flows down from the top step to the subsequent steps, detaining soil nutrients as it leaves.

Advantages involve

Control water runoff.

Stop soil runoff.

Increase fertility and productivity of the soil.

Lateral move irrigation system


Water is distributed by a series of pipes, each with a wheel and group of sprinklers that are rotated either by hand or by specially designed built mechanisms.

The sprinklers move a certain distance across the field before the water hose must be reconnected for the next distance.

This system is less expensive than others, but it requires more labor.

Benefits of irrigation systems

Save water and time

Sprinkler and drip irrigation systems can both be set to water on a daily or weekly basis, in addition to being time for specific hours of the day or night.

When the irrigation process is finished, the system will automatically turn off the water.

You don’t need to be physically present for the water system to function if it is distributed by an automated system.

The automatic shut-off will reduce your water usage and lower your costs because less water will be used.

Minimize weed growth

By installing a landscape-specific irrigation system, only areas that genuinely require water will receive it, determining potential weed growth.

Drip irrigation systems are especially effective at this because they direct water to the roots of each plant rather than sprinkling it over the entire garden.

Improve the growth of the plant

Plants grow faster and greener when watered in smaller amounts over a longer period, which is precisely what irrigation systems are designed to do.

Installing an irrigation system will significantly improve the growth of your plants.

Preserve nutrients in the soil

Watering by hand commonly results in high levels of water seeping into the soil.

Water runoff seeps into the soil, trying to remove vital nutrients from your plants.

A hose can also compact your soil, causing plant suffocation or root disease.

Using an irrigation system will preserve the structure of your soil and keep your plants absorbing nutrients instead of runoff water.

Innovation solution


The drought has been catastrophic to agriculture, with economic consequences felt from coast to coast.

According to a recent UC Davis College of Agricultural and Engineering Sciences report, it is expected to cost $1.84 billion and eliminate more than 10,000 jobs in California alone.

The agriculture business has had to drastically reduce its output due to a scarcity of natural resources and water limitations imposed on farmers.

Food costs have risen across the country due to a lower supply that has failed to satisfy normal demand.

The global drought has created numerous chances for various water technologies to step forward and deliver real answers that can assist people and provide relief.

( Click here to know more about water technologies )

Atmospheric water generation for irrigation


The technique of producing water from the humidity in the air is known as atmospheric water creation.

The water produced is safe to drink and has been used successfully in household and commercial uses such as fracking and agriculture.

In the field, commercial atmospheric water generation systems can create thousands of gallons of water each day.

The water is produced, filtered, and stored on-site, avoiding the need for expensive trucking and storage costs.

These machines can connect directly to irrigation systems, allowing farmers to utilize existing infrastructure rather than incurring additional piping costs.

Solar-powered water pumping systems


The most common issue in the agricultural industry is water supply, which is caused by rising fuel prices utilized in the operation of irrigation water pumps and high transportation and unloading costs.

Aside from the concerns with diesel generators, the expense of maintenance, and the life span.

PV technology, which is utilized for solar water pumping, converts solar energy into electrical energy.

A solar-powered water pumping system is comprised of two primary components. These are photovoltaic panels and pumps.

Its common uses include: submersible pumps to extract water from underground wells or water raised from canals for drip irrigation or spraying.


[1] January 2022, Goulburn Valley Sprinkler &landscape, (online) available at https://www.gvsprinklers.com.au/blog/5-types-irrigation-systems/

[2] Irrigation and rain-fed agriculture, (online) available  at https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/other/agricultural/types.html

[3] Watermarked, November 21, 2017, benefits of irrigation systems, (online) available at https://watermasterirrigation.com/benefits-irrigation-systems/

[4] Out of thin air: Atmospheric water generation and irrigation (online) available at: https://www.watertechonline.com/produced-water/article/15549317/out-of-thin-air-atmospheric-water-generation-and-irrigation.

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