Evoqua Removes PFAS from Michigan Construction Site
Michigan is a bustling, industrial city that has seen previous economic downturns and has served as a major Great Lakes shipping hub for years.
A large-scale investment initiative to revitalize the city has resulted in a number of building projects, including a new convention center.
It will serve as a waterfront innovation hub and connect an existing hotel to the arena.
The high water table made it necessary to dewater at a pace of more than 300 gpm in order to lay the foundation.
PFAS was discovered in the water at a level of 41 ppt.
The city’s Owner’s Representative contacted Construction Simplified, who then contacted Evoqua Water Technologies for a PFAS remediation option.
The City of Muskegon and Construction Simplified was then intimately and immediately involved by Evoqua.
Based on Evoqua’s proven experience at mitigating PFAS and with their emergency response capabilities, we were confident we had the best partners on board. ” Jeff Salowitz, Partner, Construction Simplified
Solution Using its AquaCarb® S Series reactivated granular carbon, Evoqua transported a mobile 20,000 lb carbon filtration system to downtown Muskegon.
The system also received frac tanks for storing the clean water, bag filters, and pumps as additional hardware.
The city’s treatment objective of “non-detect” was achieved throughout the project by using Evoqua’s dewatering and filtration system.
A Michigan-based environmental consulting company called Environmental Resources Group (ERG) analyzed the treated water to ensure the treatment objective was achieved.
As the site’s consultant, they checked the flow every day and took samples of the influent wastewater every week to track the amounts of PFOS entering the system.
ERG also carried out post-treatment treatment system performance sampling for the effluent wastewater, demonstrating the system’s effectiveness by bringing PFOS totals down to non-detectable.
Evoqua’s AquaCarb® Series reactivated granular carbon was used in a mobile 20,000 lb carbon filtering system that was delivered to downtown Muskegon.
The system also received frac tanks for storing the clean water, bag filters, and pumps as additional hardware.
We were thoroughly impressed by Evoqua’s 24-hour presence during the operation.
As the environmental consultant for the City on this project, we were at ease knowing that Evoqua had the treatment system running and operational around the clock – keeping the groundwater table at a manageable level for the construction activities while treating the wastewater for proper disposal. ”
Jackie Freiberg, Project Manager, Environmental Resources Group – Muskegon Office
The city’s treatment objective of “non-detect” was achieved throughout the project by using Evoqua’s dewatering and filtration system.
The treated water was examined by a third party, who confirmed the treatment objective was achieved.
Evoqua treated 21 million gallons of water over the course of the project’s two months and reintroduced clean water into the sanitary sewer system.
Source: Evoqua